Patty Younker is board certified school nurse

Carroll County Schools Lead Nurse Patty Younker has earned National Board Certification in School Nursing,  a formal recognition of advanced knowledge, competence, and a personal commitment to excellence in the specialty practice of school nursing on behalf of the better health and education of school-age children.  Younker leads a team of 16 full-time nurses, 10 clinic assistants and 11 substitute nurses that serve over 16,000 students at Carroll County Schools.

To earn the NCSN, a Registered Nurse must demonstrate a high level of education, clinical practice experience, and knowledge. The NCSN credential is awarded by the National Board of Certification of School Nurses (NBCSN) whose rigorous credentialing sets the professional standard for school nursing. Since 2008, NBCSN has been accredited by the American Board of Nursing Specialties (ABNSC), which is the standard-setting body for specialty nursing certification programs. To maintain accreditation, NBCSN must demonstrate that it meets the 18 stringent quality standards. American Board of Nursing Specialties accreditation means that the NCSN credential reflects valid and reliable examination processes and structures that meet or exceed industry standards. The ABSNC has also determined the NBCSN structures in place to administer the examinations meet or exceed the standards of the certification industry from a legal, regulatory, and association management perspective.