Maegan Day is a Young Gamechanger

Glanton-Hindsman Elementary School Assistant Principal Maegan Day completed the 2023 Young Gamechangers Cohort on October 19 in Columbus, Georgia, as one of 45 promising professionals to serve in the leadership action program hosted by GeorgiaForward, a non-profit organization administered by the Georgia Municipal Association. 

Young Gamechangers brings professionals from across the state to work on the persistent challenges of one Georgia community. Earlier this year, Columbus-Muscogee County hosted the Young Gamechangers and Columbus leaders presented their four “Challenge Questions” that the 2023 cohort were charged to answer through the six months they spent developing specific, actionable recommendations for the community. The questions focused on economic development, community engagement, local entrepreneurship, and more.

Day, a native of Villa Rica, has worked as an educator for the last 10 years. In 2020 she formulated and launched PEARLS, a program to support young ladies within Carroll County Schools. PEARLS aims to strengthen social and emotional wellness, develop plans to meet short and long term academic and career goals, educate students on etiquette, social graces and the importance of service to their community.

"It was a honor to represent CCSS and the county as a GeorgiaForward Young Gamechanger," Day said. "This experience afforded me the opportunity to collaborate with other leaders throughout the state on suggestions in how leaders throughout Columbus-Muscogee County, could best serve all stakeholders in their community."

"I gained  valuable experience in 'thinking big' and being innovative in my ideas. As a result of my participation as a Young Gamechanger, I am able to consider how these big ideas could be of benefit and how I can be a servant leader to others in my own community," Day said.

Congratulations, Mrs. Day!