By state law, a valid certificate of immunization (Form 3231) or a notarized statement of religious exemption (Form 2208) is required for enrollment. The certificate of immunization must be completed by the health department, a licensed healthcare provider, or your private physician. A valid Form 3231 will be marked with a "Date of Expiration" until the student receives the last required immunizations at age 16. The form will then be marked "Complete for 11th Grade and Higher" and there will no longer be an expiration date. A certificate marked with a "Date of Expiration" expires on the date indicated. A current certificate must be submitted within 30 days of expiration. A medical exemption, if applicable, should be noted on Form 3231 with a current date of expiration. The Form 2208 may be printed from the link above or requested from your child's school.
Please note that high school records are not audited until the 11th grade, however, schools are required to have up-to-date immunizations on all students. If your student turns 16 prior to the 11th grade they will be required to have an up-to-date immunization record on file with 30 days of the expiration date.