Food and Nutrition
No cost breakfast and lunch for 2024-25
For the 2024-2025 school year, Carroll County Schools will be offering free breakfast and lunch to all students regardless of income through the Community Eligibility Program. The CEP allows schools with high percentages of low-income students to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students without collecting household applications. This program aims to reduce administrative burdens and increase student participation in school meals. Community Eligibility Provision positively impacts families by providing financial relief, reducing stigma, simplifying administrative processes, supporting children's academic and nutritional needs, and encouraging regular school attendance. CEP helps to create a more stable and nurturing environment for children and their families.
For the 2024-2025 school year, applications for free and reduced meals are not needed. All students will receive free breakfast and lunch regardless of family income.
Carroll County School Nutrition Achieves Certification in the New Healthier School Meals
We welcome the opportunity to provide your student with nutritious, appetizing meals at school! It has been proven that a hungry child cannot learn, and our meals provide one-forth to one-third of the daily nutritional requirements for children. The Georgia Department of Education recently commended our school nutrition program for exceeding the nutritional goals for school meals. Our meals must comply with the USDA’s guidelines for fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, calcium, iron, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, carbohydrates and calories. Our enthusiastic employees look forward to providing a key component to your student’s success: healthy meals.
Parents are invited to eat lunch with their child throughout the year. The price of an adult meal is $4.00.
The mission of the Carroll County School Nutrition Program is to provide nutritious meals to students so that they will be more prepared to learn. Breakfast and lunch are offered in all of our schools and students are able to choose from various menu options.
Menu Choices
The Carroll County School Nutrition Program is dedicated to serving quality nutritious meals to its students and staff. All meals are in line with the new Healthy School Meals produced by our government. Your student will enjoy more fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grain food options.
All elementary students are required to pick up a milk unless they have a life threatening allergy to it. A letter from the student's doctor is required stating the allergy. Elementary students can choose between two entrees, two vegetable and two fruit choices each day. All serving sizes of fruit and vegetables have increased from 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup for elementary students. The sack lunch menu choices vary between the student favorite of peanut butter/jelly sandwich or a turkey/ham/cheese sandwich. Middle school students may select from a hot-cooked meal, fruit/yogurt plate, peanut butter/jelly sandwich or a turkey/ham/cheese sandwich. In high school, students have six entrees: Mama’s Kitchen (home cooked foods), Grilleworks (sandwiches), Pizzeria, peanut butter/jelly sandwich bag lunch, fruit/yogurt plate, or a salad plate. Since introducing these new options, lunch participation has increased.
Breakfast is offered daily at all county schools. Popular items such as biscuits, bagels, donuts, cereal, eggs and grits, and pancakes are some of the featured items. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it re-fuels the brain for learning. Research shows that students do better academically with a good, nutritious breakfast. School breakfast fills this need for busy parents by providing healthy foods students will eat.